In 1911, Brunsville officially became an incorporated municipality. Many of the people in town and the surrounding area were Lutherans who wanted to start a church of their own. In 1916 a meeting was called for the purpose of organizing a Lutheran Congregation with 13 charter members.
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The new church was named St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brunsville.
In the summer of 1917 the former Methodist Church of Dalton was bought and moved to Brunsville. It was remodeled and re-dedicated on Sept. 2, 1917.
Because the congregation had no parsonage, it was decided to rent rooms for the pastor and family until a parsonage could be built. The Congregation decided in a special meeting on Feb. 24, 1922, to build a parsonage.
The parsonage was built in the summer of 1922 and occupied by the Pastor and his family in the fall. The cost of the parsonage was $2,945.00.
As the church continued to grow in members they needed more room for worship and Sunday School. Discussions were held concerning this and in 1955 they were ready to build. Ground was broken that year for a new brick church which greatly enlarged the worship area and provided space for Sunday School classrooms.
There were numerous gifts from members of the congregation and friends in the community which were used in constructing the new church edifice. Ground for church was donated by Henry J. Harms.
The Men's Brotherhood conducted a cooperative farming venture which resulted in a sum of $15,000.00 for the building fund.
It is also remembered with gratitude by the congregation that Pastor A. F. Zenk made a substantial contribution through his acceptance of a nominal salary during these struggling years, at a great personal sacrifice to himself and his family.
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Dedication services were held May 27, 1956 and the congregation walked from the old church to the the new church.
The cost of the new church was about $55,000.00, which was fully paid within four years of its construction. There were numerous gifts from members of the congregation and friends in the community which were used in constructing the new church.
Thus the church was built through the love, enthusiasm, gifts and sacrifices of pastor and parishioners and friends of the congregation.
You will find more information in the following historical booklets: