The following information and photos were copied from the 1967 50th Anniversary Booklet
The congregation issued several letters of Call for a new pastor, but the calls were declined. A Call then was extended to Rev. A. Uplegger of Arizona. He accepted the Call and served the Congregation until the fall of 1927.
About this time many of the members of the congregation were of the opinion that the congregation should sever the connection with the Wisconsin Synod and call a pastor from the Ohio Synod, of which all the surrounding pastors and congregations were members; then this congregation would grow more rapidly.
To find out the sentiment of the members, a special meeting of all the members was called. On Nov. 6, 1927, the meeting was held. After much discussion the question was brought before the members to be voted on by ballot: "Shall the Congregation remain to be served by pastors of the Wisconsin Synod, or shall it be served by pastors of the Ohio Synod?" Unanimously the members voted to be served from now on by pastors of the Ohio Synod.
It was decided to send a copy of the minutes of this meeting to the President, Rev. Witt, Norfolk, Neb., and ask for release from the Wisconsin Synod.
Although the resolution caused much comment, the congregation stood firm upon the passed resolution. It called another meeting for Nov. 26, 1967. Rev. C. Granschow, President of the Iowa District of the Iowa Synod was asked to be present. He presided in this meeting. Teacher Henning of Grant Township was elected Secretary. Also present in this meeting were all the pastors of the surrounding congregations, served by the Ohio Synod. It was decided in this meeting unanimously to call a pastor from the Ohio Synod as soon as possible.
Rev. A. F. Zenk of Merrill was chosen to serve the congregation until a pastor would accept and locate in Brunsville.